DUR activity 2013 October

After 2 month of inactivity from my side another trial with 3 bands. I had 23/13/9cm with my 1.5m dish.
Meanwhile i integrated the 5W PA for 9cm. This time Murphy tried to do its very best.
I had to tear down the antenna 3 times in between. First i had troubles to find the correct lengths of the ropes for the mast.
When testing the transverters i experienced 9cm was not switching to TX. During my mast trouble i accidently disconnected the 9cm power cable at the mast unit.
After that operation was going relatively smooth. This time i was heard very well by the others on 9cm. But i experienced that my RX seems to be really poor. I always gave much better reports than i got. I did not check the sensitivity so far. Everything you dont check will not work ;)
In the end i had 17 QSO on 23cm, 9 QSO on 13cm, 5 QSO on 9cm.
ODX on 23cm was HA5UA/p. Thanks for the patience during that weak signal QSO.
Next steps with improving my setup will be a new rotator control. The original KR600 controler has some issues and i somethimes do not get correct heading. 23cm would need to be mounted to the mast. Unfortunately i dont think that i can get the mast up then. It would be too heavy.

setup during october 2013 DUR activity in JO61XA

setup during october 2013 DUR activity in JO61XA

July DUR Contest

This morning i tried my dish as 3-band station from jo61xa. Low participation and strange conditions. No chance with ok2uyz and ha8mv but a nice qso to om. This time new was 9cm but not yet with pa. Therefore only 1 qso with DL4DTU.
Now sitting in the sun with ice and coffee ;)


DUR Contest May & WebSDR

This time DUR contest together with Steffen DJ5AM.
QRV on 23cm, 13cm, 10GHz, partly 24GHz.
Not very much DX on 23cm this time but some nice 10GHz QSO with the station of Steffen.
I made a short video receiving my 23cm signal with the WebSDR located at my home QTH.

DUR Contest May 2013 - receiving myself on my 23cm websdr

The WebSDR is a test and receives 23cm & as well as 10GHz using 2x RTLSDR USB sticks.
PA3FWM kindly added support for these types of USB receiver sticks which makes it very easy to setup WebSDR receivers for the bands between 24MHz and 1700MHz. One is connected to a crystal stabilized sat LNB which makes the receiver for the narrow band section of the 10GHz ham band.

As long as the receiver is online you can find it here:

The following pictures show my 23/13cm equipment after then end of the DUR test ready to go home and the 10GHz and 24GHz station of Steffen, DJ5AM.




Just trying a bit with my HiQSDR frontend and Quisk together with SO2SDR.
Jim implemented Rigctrl model 2 to Quisk. This makes it operate with other software like fldigi very well.
SO2SDR is a contest log with SDR bandmap and DXCluster. Worked QSO can be marked in the bandmap as well as stations spotted in the cluster.
Unfortunately I do not get IQ signals from Quisk to SO2SDR yet…
See a screenshot:

Quisk and SO2SDR