End of 2009 we had to install some new hardware at the digipeater DB0TUD (TU Dresden, Suedhoehe). Reason were the outstanding noise generated by powersupply and flexnet PC towards the remote controlled shortwave station. After a failed attempt to replace the old ISA USCC card with a PCIUSCC we installed a OpenWRT based WRT634U system with 2x TNC3 and 1x TNC2C running xnet. This is just a interim solution and will be replaced by DLC7 + TNC3 + TNC2C soon.
Daily Archives: January 9, 2010
EMail Reflektor zu digitalem Amateurfunk in Sachsen
Ich habe heute mal einen eMail Reflektor zu digitalem Amateurfunk (Packet Radio, Hamnet, Funkruf, usw.) angelegt.
Nach einer Registrierung kann man eMails an die Reflektoradresse digafusax@yahoogroups.com schicken, welche dann
automatisch an alle registrierten Nutzer weitergeleitet werden.
Anmelden kann man sich bei http://groups.yahoo.com/group/digafusax