Rotator control unit DL1DBR about 90%


Since quite some while i try to get the DL1DBR rotator control unit completed. I changed the controller firmware a bit, adopted the driver connection for my KR-600 and started to build the stuff into an enclosure. Now only a few wires have to be connected and some holes need to be drilled.
The control unit can drive up to two rotators and its possible to control it via a USB connection out of the most logging software.
It also has some preset tables for directions that are often used.

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DK7ZB Quadlong for 2m

Martin, DK7ZB describes a horizontal, almost omnidirectional, 2m VHF antenna. Its leightweight enough to mount it to a fiber mast.
Its rather easy to build and fast to mount.
I used 4mm brass tube for the horizontal elements and 1mm antenna wire for the vertical elements. Therefore the resonance isa bit too high but this should not be a too big problem.
The pictures show the antenna on my 10m fibre mast mounted at the balcony and the S11 measurement data (calibrated to the input of a 15m Aircel7 cable).

Quadlong for 2m

Quadlong for 2m

Quadlong VHF reflection measurement

Quadlong VHF reflection measurement